As a recruitment business we see hundreds of CVs weekly, from well presented and easy to read CVs to not so well presented and easy to read. It got us thinking that there are still lots of candidates not getting the simple things right. These are the things that can have a big impact on whether your application gets you that all important call back or interview.
So based on our experience and seeing that there are a lot of candidates that need advice on writing their CV, we have put this article together, which discusses the most basic elements of your CV and how to get them right.
Your contact Information
Probably the most basic thing to include, however it’s surprising how many people still miss this out. With contact details we always suggest you include your best contact number, email address and home address. If you don’t wish to include your full home address it’s important to make it clear which town/city you reside in. Your contact information should be one of the first things on your CV. In-terms of where it should go, we suggest below your name (which should be the first thing on your CV), so all your personal information is in one easy to find place.
Your work history
It’s important to remember that your work history should always be laid out from most recent position and then you work down in chronological order. Employers and recruitment consultants are usually interested in understanding your most recent experience, so make it easy for them and start with your most recent experience. We also suggest that under each position you include your projects and achievements. This is so the reader can easily associate your project experience and achievements with that particular role.
The layout
We have seen some amazingly laid out CVs, however these are the CVs that are usually the hardest to follow. When writing your CV think about the person reading it. Make it easy to read and easy to digest. You can make a CV look great with a simple structure and layout, plus there are no prizes for the best looking CV CV. Remember, your CV is there to do one thing and one things only, show off your knowledge, skills and experience and highlight why you are the best person for the job!
Sub headers
The best way to make your CV easy to read is to include clear signposts, by the way of titles and sub titles. Including these will help draw the eye of the reader and help with the flow of your CV.
In summary
These points may all sound obvious to you but it’s surprising how many people get the basics wrong. Make it as easy as possible for the reader to pull out your key information, so you give yourself the best opportunity of proving you have the necessary experience, skills and knowledge and ultimately securing that all important interview.
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