It’s normal to have a bit of self doubt when it comes to your job and your career. Used in the right way it can often help with self improvement and can keep you grounded. However, if your lack of confidence is preventing you from applying for a job or progressing your career then you need to tackle the issue.
Having confidence and believing in your own ability is key when looking to progress and develop. If you do suffer from a lack of confidence and you have noticed that it is clearly preventing you from applying for jobs then here are some tips to help you overcome it and hopefully make you feel more confident about your ability, experience and value you can offer…
Update your CV
If you are finding yourself looking at a number of jobs online and when running through the list of requirements and thinking to yourself, “I don’t think I’m capable of that” when in fact you are more than capable… stop what you’re doing!
The best thing to do before you start searching for jobs is to put together or update your CV. Taking the time to write out your CV should help you to realise that actually you do possess many key skills, experience and knowledge that employers are looking for.
Another good tip is to pull up a few job specs for jobs that you like the look of and try and tailor your CV to ensure you cover the key requirements and duties needed for the roles. By doing this you’re essentially matching your CV to what the employer is actually looking for in a candidate.
Write a list of your achievements
A great way to give yourself a boost is to write down a list of all of your professional achievements. From projects successfully completed to promotions earned. Carrying out this exercise not only helps you to realise that you are actually good at what you do and have tasted success throughout your career, but you are also helping to write your CV, as any good CV should always include achievements next to each of your roles.
Exercise is one of the best things you can do to help self-confidence. Research has shown that exercise can significantly increase self-confidence, as exercise enhances our mood and puts our mind in a more positive state. So go for a run, do a home workout, go to the gym or take up a sport.
Speak to someone
It’s amazing how simply speaking out about your issue can really help. We also suggest you run through a job spec of a job you like the look of and talk the person through it. During this process raise the areas of the duties and requirements where you feel you’re not capable and talk about them.
Just go for it!
Easier said than done, but sometimes you’ve just got to take yourself out of your comfort zone and just go for it! Find a job that you love the look of, tailor your CV to the job and just apply. But remember not to rush it, write your CV to the best of your ability and give yourself the best chance possible.
Want to search for a new engineering job?
If you're currently looking for a new engineering jobs, get in touch with us to discuss your situation in more detail and let's get to work on finding a job that matches your needs and requirements.